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heat treatment and surface engineering, materials and tribology, corrosion and material testing



We are pleased to announce that the 4th International Conference on Materials “MTECH 2023” will take place in Cavtat (Croatia) in the Hotel Croatia, from 2nd to 5th October 2023.


Invited lecturers

r. Mathew Mathew, University of Illinois Chicago, USA

Dr. Mathew is a faculty at Department of Biomedical Science, UIC School of Medicine at Rockford and leading Disability Research lab. He holding adjunct position at Department of Bionegineering at UIC, Chicago and Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago. His research is supported by the federal agencies (NIH and NSF) and research foundations. He is also Editor- in- chief of Journal of Bio and Tribo-corrosion by Springer. He was an instrumental for initiating an international research institute called “Institute of Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine” (IBTN), which is a joint venture of University of Illinois (UIC) and UNESP, Brazil. Currently, he actively involved in the IBTN and the director of tribocorrosion division.

Dr. Imre Felde

Dr. Imre Felde was born 19.07.1973. in Hungary. He achieved his PhD in Materials Science and Technology from Miskolc University (Hungary) in 2007. From 1995. to 2008. he was head of department and from 2008 to 2012. CEO of Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research, Budapest, Hungary. From 2012. he is Vice Dean of Faculty of Informatics, Obuda Univesity in Budapest, hungary. He has published more than 100 scientific and technical papers in field of engineering, computer science, mathemathics and process modeling. He is member of editorial board of Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, International Journal of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties, Surface Engineering and Hindawi Advanced Materials Science and Technology.

Dr. rer. Nat. Johann Wilhelm Erning

Works at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM), Berlin, Germany. Studied Chemistry in Cologne and Bonn. Worked for the research centre Jülich from 1993 – 1996. Worked as post-doc at South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences from 1996-1998. Currently working at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) since 1998. Topics: electrochemistry, metals in contact with drinking water, failure analysis. Participation in various committees at EFC, CEN, DIN, DVGW… 

Dr. Stefan Valkov

Dr. Stefan Valkov is Associate Professor at the Technical University of Gabrovo and Institute of Electronics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is a team leader of the laboratory “Physical technologies” located at the Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His scientific interests are related to the modern materials science: thin films and coatings deposition, electron-beam surface treatment and modification of metals and alloys, materials characterization, X-ray diffraction, crystallography.

Guest speaker

Mr. Pascal Collet

Mr. Pascal Collet received a degree in chemical engineering at Hautes Etudes Industrielles in Lille, France.
He has over 30 year-experience in technical services, sales, business development and marketing in the chemicals and protective coatings industries for markets which have included the oil & gas, water sectors, the nuclear industry, the automotive sector and building.
His main current employment is the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) as Chief Operating Officer from April, 2023. He is also involved with the French Corrosion Society Cefracor.